Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sources :

Tioman Beach

Kelanang Beach

View this web for more nice scenery pictures.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

ExAM Exam Exam

Nearly every week I have exams,same goes to everyone.We will be busy studying till the last day of our final exams. I just wanted to say GOOD LUCk to everyone in your CA and final exam. Oh ya! At the same time, do not stress yourself out. Just do what we can.

These are a few comics that I wanted to share with you all. I guess the coffee selling in MYDIN will be selling like hotcakes in this 2 months. =)

Facebook Block during Office hour???

Sad news for everyone in this campus.One of our entertainment in campus will be blocked during office hours from 8-1pm and 2-5pm. I think it's been our daily routine to on facebook when we first on our computer before starting to do our work. Now on normal working days, we couldn't do that anymore.

Will these affect the popularity of facebook? But, why do they block facebook? I just don't understand. Well, we will just have to adapt to the situation. We are still lucky that we can go on facebook after office hour. haha!