Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One for All

It was a lovely morning as I can hear birds chirping. I happily prepared myself for the morning class as I knew there will be something nice happening later.

“Get ready, they were here,” said Boon Yong, the one who in-charge of renting cars.

All of us went out that afternoon with only one purpose – we must have fun.
“Let’s us go to Noodle Station,” suggested by one of us.

Together with me, there were nine more people gathered at Noodle Station, one of the food shops in KB mall. The sound of happiness can be heard in the restaurant as laughter filled up the atmosphere.

After finish entertaining ourselves with food, we had some free time for window shopping before gathering at Pacific to buy our dinner tonight. The girls were in charge to choose the ingredients and the boys helped to push the trolley.

Our trolley was full, filling up with ingredients: fish balls, sausages, bean curd, crabmeat and many more. The girls were trying to save our pocket money but the boys wanted to eat more. We ended up buying a total of RM65 of ingredients for our steamboat tonight.

That night, we had a wonderful steamboat gathering in our school cafe. The scene where all of us rushed to get our food, still make me laugh when I thought of it. The steamboat made all of us felt warm and cozy as it gathered our friendship and culture. Though we were from different background and states, the steamboat brought all of us together as if like a bridge that connects us all. Thus, it brings to a conclusion that steamboat is one for all.

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