"Hey sis, come and have a look."
My curiosity grows as I look at her excited expression looking at the box in front of her. Inside my heart, kept on questioning what was it that she wanted me to look it. She must have found something that she likes to see since she looked so happy after her discovery.
I walked closer to her and her discovery surprises me. Hmm.. That is really cute. I think they must have falled off from the table and could not get out from the tall box. Such a tiny fellow as long as our little finger with pointed nose and a long tail seems cute to me. They looked at me with pity faces as if they were asking me to help them.
Wait a second. " Ermm... what was that beside them?" I asked. The colour of the skin is pink reddish blood. Oh, it is their baby. What a warming and loving scene I witness. The mammalian mice mother breastfeeding her newborn. She care so much about the baby. As we try to give them some biscuits to them, they were jumping up and down surrounding the baby, thinking that we are trying to hurt the baby. It is natural where parents will protect their children no matter what happens.
It is nature.

Aren't they cute?
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