Once upon a time, in a kingdom, there was a King and Queen, desperately wanted a child. The King ruled the country wisely and their land prospered. Years after years, there was still no news about the King having a child. Even the people in the country also started to worry about their King. Soon, came a young gentleman, he told the King that the King will have a child soon. After that, the young gentleman transformed into a frog and jumped away.
The incident makes the King curious about what the gentleman says. Was it true? The King and Queen pray every day without fail, hoping their wish will come true. At last, a baby princess was born. It was the best news for the entire kingdom. Birds were happily chirping. Joy and melodious songs were heard at every corner of the country. To celebrate this great blessing, the King declared a holiday to celebrate princess one year old. All his subjects were invited to the castle to pay homage to the baby princess.
The baby princess was named Aurora which means dawn in Latin as her birth has filled in their life with sunshine. In the kingdom, there were 13 fairies. 12 of them were nice and kind as they helped their people around, but there was a smelly fairy that being disliked by the other fairy as she always take revenge on those that did not respect her because of her body odor.
The birthday celebration was being held in the castle. All the fairies were invited except the smelly fairy as the King did not want his child to see her so that she was protected from her smelliness. The 12 fairies came and each of them gave a blessing to the princess. Some bless her with beauty, some bless her with wisdom and even slim and tall. Suddenly, dark clouds entered the castle and surrounded the castle. The fairies knew the smelly fairy was here. Everyone started to close their mouth and nose with their hands and rushed out of the castle.
“I was angry for not being invited. You did not respect me, King Stephen!”
“I am so sorry. There were too many people to be invited. I left you out. I shall….”
“No excuses! You shall be punished!”says the smelly fairy angrily with echo.
She just appeared like a lightning in front of the cradle of the baby princess, using her wand, pointing at the princess.
“Princess Aurora, you shall be blessed with beauty and wisdom. You will be adored by all known you. But, on the day of your twentieth birthday, you shall prick your finger with a spindle and die…”says the smelly fairy with an evil laugh.
The whole castle was covered with silence. The silence soon broke by the weeping of the Queen. The Queen was so worried about her princess. No one knows how to persuade the Queen.
The twelve fairy stepped out and bless the little princess, “A spindle should give you a prick. But, you will end up in a long long sleep maybe a thousand years…” She doubted and continues. “ … I mean a hundred years till your true love and gave you a hug. The spell shall break.”
Soon, it was Princess Aurora twentieth birthday. She was grown up having beauty and wisdom as she was blessed. She looked slim and tall too as if she was going to fly away when a strong wind blows. But, she didn’t run away from her fate to be prick by a spindle. She fell asleep instead. Once she fell asleep, the whole castle also fell asleep.
“A sleeping beauty is waiting for you. Your hug will help her to break the spell. Follow your instinct and you will find her. Good luck, young man.” The fairy just disappeared after talking to him.
He woke up from his dream, thinking it would not be possible to be a real dream. He must have watched too much fairy tales together with his niece. How could this happen in this 21st century? He ignored his dream and climb up to the bed as he fell off from his bed due to his dream. Then, he slept again.
He works as an archeologist, searching for artifacts to find out about ancient. He never believed in fairy tales, he only believed in science. The dream did not affect his daily life. He continued his research at his excavation site.
Suddenly, his student came running. “Prof, we found something.”
While busy collecting artifacts, he accidentally hit on a stone and fell down deep, a deep deep black tunnel that never ends. He would not dare to open his eyes and continue sleeping. Later, he was unconscious. When he woke up, he found himself in another tunnel. His curiosity grew. He continued walking deeper into the tunnel. He came to a door. It was a door full of sculpture with high quality of art work.
“Is anyone here?”
He laughed at himself for questioning such a question. The door opened by itself and he found a girl lying on the concrete bed. He fell in love with her beauty. He thought of his dream and brings up his courage to hug the girl. When he tried to hug her, he fails. He could not move her at all. Maybe she was there too long till stuck with the bed. He was so angry and kicked the bed. Suddenly, the bed raised her up and he managed to give her a hug.
His hug has broken the spell. The people in the castle awake. The princess awake and gave him a sweet smile. The people in the castle were happy that their princess found their true love. Alexander, the archeologist and Princess Aurora get married and they lived happily ever after with long hours of sleeping everyday.
Although Alexander has gone through a time machine, Alexander would not mind to stay together with Princess Aurora in her century and not try to get back to his century. As long as he lived happily with Princess Aurora, he will be grateful. It was been too long for the princess to wait for her true love. Maybe it was the fairy that brought them together.
this is good! Very extraordinary. Different from typical fairy tales. :) Bravo !